miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2


This is a English Bulldog Family, a father with her son.
I like this picture because I think that it is fun and they are very happiness.
Also I like Bulldog's, I have one, and he make me lought a lot.Usually people thinks thar Bulldogs are lazy dogs but it is false! they has a lot of energy !!
This is a bald eagle.
 I choose this photo because I love birds of prey, I amaze the amazing view that they have and also that they can fly !! They are so free.


Taison is a very special dog, they have a particular nose. He is trained to find tracks.
In the video a man recreate a situation where a man (like a robber or a situation) is escaping. Then their show how the dog follow the tracks.

This video is amazing!! The video show snakes that can fly !!! Snakes do a really incredible acrobatics in the air.
When the snake see her pray, she jump to the pray and fly in the air like a streamer.

3)  I recommend the section Enviroment > Global Warning. This section provide us a lot of information of global warning. Like causes, effects, solutions, science, energy. It's have too a quiz to know how we know about Global Warning. We need take conscience! 


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