viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

What's your Opinion?

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

About legalizing marijuana, I think it should be legalized, because marijuana can be use like a therapeutic medicine.  Secondly, if marijuana is legalized, drug trafficking will reduce, because people  will not have to ask it in illegal places. Also, like a annex, in the majority cases of people who is arrested by carry marijuana, are only consumers, not drug trafficker.

 What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
Killing stray dog is a terrible act. First I think that anyone have right to killing another animal (because humans are animals), we should not think we are superior, a human life is no more important than a dog life. Also the earth is a house of all de animals, earth isn't only our. Why we think owners of everything?

What is your opinion about  climate change?

We should learn that the earth made ​​us, not that the earth was made for us. We are killing our home and home to thousands of species only by our ambitious aspirations.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

I don't believe at politicians. They are always fighting to defend his political party, and also they earn money for this.

What is your opinion about recycling?

Everyone should do it, we have to take care of the resources that nature gives us. We have rights and duties.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 3

A) About Horses.

1. These are 5 most common pathologies of horses :

Colic: it is a acute gastrointestinal problem. Some colic signals are uneasiness, horse tend to bite at their stomachs, roll in their stalls and refuse to eat, constipation, tachycardia. Colic is a veterinary emergency, without attention, it can be mortal.

Laminitis: the hoof of the horse is one of the most sensitive area in these animals. Laminitis is a several diseases and affect the hoof. The hoof have a digital lamine which are attached to the hoof wall and to the coffin bone. When horse have Laiminitis, the digital lamine is inflamed. Horse have difficult to walk, and a lot of pain. Clinical signs include lameness, inflammation, and increased temperature in the hooves.

Equine Influenza: is a viral deseases very contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract. Equine influenza presents with fever, dry coughs, increased mucus production and despondency. It isn't dangerous if the veterinary control it in the right time.

Tetanus: tetanus is caused by a bacterial toxin found in the soil and in the feces of horses which affect the tissue across of wound. One symptom is rigidity. Tetanus can be mortal, but we can prevent with a vaccine.

Equine Encephalomyelitis: it affect the nervous system and the cause is a equine encephalomyelitis viruses, which are carry by mosquitos. Signs include depression and a high fever, followed by a period when the horse appears blind, nervous and uncoordinated, with muscle tremors, and eventually, complete paralysis. We can prevent with a vaccine and a good control of the mosquitos.


I choose this page because it have a lot of information about the rabbits, like videos, care, behavior, health adoptions and a lot of thinks more.  For example, the page have a section of a center where the people can rescue rabbits.


A Country I would like to visit

I haven't very clear which country I will like to visit, first I would like to know all Chile.

I would like to visit South Africa, I've been there once, but there is a place where I didn't go, and I will like to know. This place call Kruger Park, there is a zafari, a animal recerve. Here we can live among the wildlife and learn from near the wildlife South Africa, like a lion, a elephant, a giraffe, a hippo and many more animals.

Also I will like live in South Africa, it is a very beautiful country. I will like to live in a city called Johannesburgo ( in the eastern of South Africa), here are a refuge for lions, where rescue lions all parts of the world ( even there's a lion rescued from a Chilean circus). I would love to work here, helping the lions to have a better life.

But I think than it is only a dream, because first I would like to do many good things for animals in Chile, and here are so much to do...

I love this video. It's like my South African dream.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2


This is a English Bulldog Family, a father with her son.
I like this picture because I think that it is fun and they are very happiness.
Also I like Bulldog's, I have one, and he make me lought a lot.Usually people thinks thar Bulldogs are lazy dogs but it is false! they has a lot of energy !!
This is a bald eagle.
 I choose this photo because I love birds of prey, I amaze the amazing view that they have and also that they can fly !! They are so free.


Taison is a very special dog, they have a particular nose. He is trained to find tracks.
In the video a man recreate a situation where a man (like a robber or a situation) is escaping. Then their show how the dog follow the tracks.

This video is amazing!! The video show snakes that can fly !!! Snakes do a really incredible acrobatics in the air.
When the snake see her pray, she jump to the pray and fly in the air like a streamer.

3)  I recommend the section Enviroment > Global Warning. This section provide us a lot of information of global warning. Like causes, effects, solutions, science, energy. It's have too a quiz to know how we know about Global Warning. We need take conscience!